The Meridian SatinAir is a combination therapy mattress system that provides both alternating pressure to optimize pressure redistribution and manage skin maceration. The pump offers a static feature as well as adjustable comfort settings by patient weight. The nylon zipper cover is low shear, fluid-resistant and vapor permeable. CPR valve allows for quick deflation. The Meridian SatinAir is an innovative design ideal for use in nursing homes, hospitals and the home care environment.
Prevention and Ulcer Treatment: Prevention / Treatment and Management of Pressure Ulcers
Alternating Pressure: Yes
Low Air Loss: No
Mattress Size: 36" x 80" x 8"
Mattress Cover: Nylex Cover with Anti-microbial, fluid-proof, vapor permeable
Weight Capacity: 350 lbs.
Cycle Times: Cycle of 10 Minutes
Warranty: 18 Months